Birthstone January | GRANAT
Right at the beginning of this new year, we celebrate a birthstone, which I especially love because of its warm red colour – the garnet. Although the colour red is the one which occurs most frequently you can also find garnet in yellow, green and orange hues, and nowadays garnet is sourced in the USA, South Africa and Sri Lanka. The garnet got his name because his red colour reminds of pomegranate seeds.
Traditionally, the garnet stands for structure and a new beginning, which also suits wonderfully to the beginning of the new year. When you wear it, new doors should open, and opportunities arise. When worn, garnet aims to motivate and help overcome crises by strengthening perseverance and self-confidence. Sounds good right? Healthwise, it is rumoured to have healing effects effect on blood disorders, depression, fever and inflammation. He should also boost the metabolism and strengthen the body’s ability to regenerate. But in my opinion, the most beautiful characteristics that garnets are said to be a symbol of genuine, deep friendships and also strengthens them. This makes it perfect as a gift for your best friend’s birthday, or just like that to show her how much she means to you.

Because of its natural abilities garnet is often used in sandpaper, for sanding wood – but for our garnet jewellery, I decided to choose gemstones in its pure beautifully polished form instead of using sandpaper in scratchy necklaces 🙂

Are you curious to what jewellery I have designed with the January birthstone? In that case, you can discover our mini collection here with the garnet as the star. I would love to hear from you and your feedback on how you like the new designs – and also what you’d love to see with amethyst. Since that is the birthstone for the month February which I will present to you next month.