10 things we have learned in 10 years of JUVELAN | part 1
First of all, let me wish you all a happy and healthy new year! A few days ago we rang in 2020, a special year for JUVELAN as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary! In 2010 Fredrik had the crazy idea to start a small business: “I am sure many women would like to wear the jewellery you create!” And that’s how it began… the wonderful and exciting journey of JUVELAN.
It doesn’t feel like a whole decade has passed but it is a really significant milestone for us. That’s why we decided to celebrate this anniversary throughout the whole year. You can expect lots of exciting news and promotions and if you subscribe to our newsletter, you can be sure that you won’t miss any of them. You will always be the first to receive the latest news, see the newest collections and you can also look forward to one or two exclusive surprises exclusively for newsletter subscribers.
The last 10 years have been a roller-coaster ride with way more highs than lows. Although the lows, challenges, difficulties and setbacks have taught us a lot. They made us even more determined to keep improving. Today, we would like to invite you to look back with us on the past decade and share with you the first five of ten things we learned about running our own jewellery company.

1. If you have an idea implement it!
Everything starts with an idea. Follow it, trust your gut instinct and do everything in your power to make your dreams come true. Not every idea will turn into something amazing but there is no worse feeling than never having tried.
2. Don’t overthink it!
This is advice I especially need to give to myself. I tend to think way too much and get tangled up. Planning ahead is good but it is not productive to worry about a future problem way before you take a single step in that direction.
3. Be patient
Hard work will always pay off but it won’t happen overnight. It is important to rest from time to time and draw your attention to what you have already achieved. Good things take time, not even Rome was built in a day.
4. Invest in your company and yourself
If you have already mastered the art of corporate management, congratulations! You can safely skip this point. But honestly, who can say they really have? That’s why it is important for the growth of your company to take time to invest in yourself and your personal development. Talk to people who can teach and inspire you, attend training courses, take part in workshops and master classes … the possibilities are truly endless and personal development is a process that is never complete
Here are some examples of courses we’ve attended in the past 10 years:
- I attended a class for goldsmiths where I learned the basics of crafting rings. You can see the results here & here
- I participated in a photography workshop with Katja Heil to learn how to take professional photos of our products. By the way, Katja also offers this course online and I highly recommend it.
- We have invested in training programs focusing on specific areas related to running a jewellery company.
- We have worked with fantastic people to support us with their expert skills and knowledge in areas such as copy writing, photography (especially for new collections) and catalogue layout
5. Don’t be modest!
Be proud of what you have achieved and don’t be shy to talk about it. This is definitely one of the things I had to slowly adjust to. But there are many people who want to hear your story and learn from it, especially if you have founded your own company. I remind myself that I, too, love hearing stories about companies and the people who have built something on their own merits. I find this stuff incredibly inspiring.