My first green tourmaline ring | Our first ring collection - part 2

First of all, I want to thank you for all the love you sent us when we posted The beginning of our first ring collection – part 1 where I shared the start of a new journey for a first possible JUVELAN ring collection. It was great to read all the lovely messages and comments, and this motivates us to dive deeper into this new journey.

In the previous post, I took you on the journey of making a simple sterling silver ring with a beautiful blush freshwater pearl. Apart from pearls, one thing I love is gemstones. They com in the most fantastic colours, shapes, cuts and sizes and if I could all I would to is buy gemstones all day long.
For my second ring, I picked a half round green tourmaline that would end up in a setting on top of the ring. I have to admit it sounds so much easier as it is in reality. As this was a very time-consuming process, I did not manage to capture every single step of the way. Let me take you through the journey of making the green tourmaline ring. 

Goldsmiths with green tourmalineGoldsmiths with green tourmalineGoldsmiths with green tourmaline As you see here, sawing yet has to become my new way of relaxing, because so far it made me feel stressed. Once I had soldered the outer part of the frame and afterwards soldered the frame onto a small piece of silver, so my setting had a bottom, I had to saw around the setting to give it the shape it would have in the ring. Now as you can see in the photo below, I did not manage to deliver clean work. Because I used the saw too close to the frame, I cut out little pieces from the frame which was not meant to be like that.  Ring goldsmiths with green tourmaline Ring goldsmiths with green tourmaline The next part was soldering the setting on the ring itself. Again this step showed that soldering is a very delicate step that can and will go wrong when you’re starting out. As they say, all good things are three, well, in this case, I have to agree since it took me that many tries before the setting ended up on top of the ring. Ring goldsmiths with green tourmalineRing goldsmiths with green tourmalineRing goldsmiths with green tourmaline Ring goldsmiths with green tourmaline

The next part was soldering the setting on the ring itself. Again this step showed that soldering is a very delicate step that can and will go wrong when you’re starting out. As they say, all good things are three, well, in this case, I have to agree since it took me that many tries before the setting ended up on top of the ring.

 Ring goldsmiths with green tourmalineRing goldsmiths with green tourmalineRing goldsmiths with green tourmaline The very last step is one I needed help with, since setting a stone has to be done very precisely and with knowledge. So finally setting the green tourmaline in the cup was done by my lovely teacher Monka Hartmann. Ring goldsmiths with green tourmalineRing goldsmiths with green tourmaline Ring goldsmiths with green tourmaline

Now before someone tells me that this ring has a numerous amount of flaws let me say that I already know that. It might not be perfect, but it’s a unique piece. And let’s be honest, if everything were perfect when you try it for the first time, life would be pretty boring don’t you think?

So like this, I’ve been able to give you a little insight on how I made my very first two rings. I can already tell you that my brain is sparking with different ideas and can’t wait to find a way to turn those ideas into reality.

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